
Civil Engineering Endowments

The Department of Civil Engineering and Construction Management provides numerous scholarships from the following endowments:

M.H. Williams Construction, Eric Primavera Memorial, ASCE Student Chapter Endowment: This endowment was created with the help of alumni and faculty members of the Civil Engineering program. The endowment monies are used to support the ASCE Student Chapter and also to provide scholarships for students who contribute in the success of the ASCE Student Chapter.

CARE Endowment: The Civil Engineering Recruitment Endowment (CARE) was created with the help of alumni of the Civil Engineering program. Endowment monies are used to assist outstanding undergraduate and graduate students.

A. C. Bagtzoglou Civil Engineering Fellowship Endowment: This endowment was established to help graduate students interested in the area of Water Resources engineering.

Mazurek Legacy Endowment: This endowment was established to help undergraduate students majoring in Civil Engineering.